Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone is doing well after the holidays.  I am doing much better after my surgery.  I wondered if I'd ever get back to blogging.  Well, here I am.  My goal is to keep up with blogging at least once a month at the very least.  Maybe I'll have more to say than that, time will tell. Whatever I end up with in this space I hope you find something of interest. 

This past week I've been working on cards to send to people who were kind enough to RAK* me after my surgery from the All Things Tim list. Thank you Stacy, Colleen and  Martha.  I was so happy to receive their RAKs.  They all made my day. 

Below are cards I made based on Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas 2011.  I loved the snowman tag.  Here is the link to view it in case you have never seen this tag.

(I hope the link works when I post it. It's the first time I've included a link on my blog.)

I never know what to do with tags once they are made.  The people I send my art to I think prefer receiving a card, at least in my mind.  Who knows I could be wrong.  Anyhoo, I took Tim's idea for the snowman tag and tried to use the techniques on cards.  I changed them up as you can see.  I did leave the "celebrate today" as a tag and sent it to one of my RAKers. Though, I  can't remember who's getting that one.

I like to cool blue-gray colors of the cards and the wintery feel it gives.  We are not getting our usual snow falls here in Central Illinois so making these cards made it feel a little more like winter.  And I didn't have to shovel any snow. 

This is for my in-laws anniversary.

I hope you enjoyed my recent attempts at winter art.  I am looking forward to sharing more of my art and other things as they pop into my head.  I enjoyed blog hopping while I was unable to create any art of my own.  My work does not compare to some of the gorgeous creations out there but I hope you will enjoy my work and return from time to time and see what develops. 

Love, Peace, Joy and Art be yours in 2012.
Carol aka Uncle Carol

*RAK = Random Act of Kindness